Announcement from the Kiwanis Capital District: A Leadership Development Opportunity!
The Kiwanis Capital District has announced a leadership development opportunity available to o us Wednesday, May 22nd, at 7 pm. Dr. Melinda Hill, a Maxwell Leadership Certified Trainer, holds a doctorate in higher education leadership and a masters degree in counseling, ” The title of this 90-minute interactive workshop is “Developing the Leader Within: Applying DEIBA Values” — how to better prepare our clubs and its members for the future. Dr. Hill proposes that we all have leadership roles we play as we strive to have influence in one way or another. Come learn more! She describes herself as passionate about guiding her clients (as a professional coach and trainer) to “discover purpose, passion, and well-being to become the best version of themselves.” Tune in – free – open to all interested parties. Registration is required to receive the meeting Zoom link. Register by clicking on the link below.