The Kiwanis Club of Roanoke is one of the largest and most active of the 15,000+ worldwide Kiwanis clubs, and the largest civic organization in the Roanoke Valley. Join our weekly meetings in person or virtually using the Zoom link below, where high-caliber local speakers present timely and relevant topics; many are focused on the under 40 demographic and the business community. Networking is an important element for our civically-engaged Club members. Our membership includes city and state government leaders, corporate leaders, nonprofit leaders, church leaders, civic-minded residents, the 2021 Roanoke City Citizen of the Year, and the 2023 Roanoke City Citizen of the Year. Strong connections and friendships occur here.

We meet in Charter Hall on the third floor of the Roanoke City Market Building. Guest attendance is free of charge, with no obligation, and includes lunch. We have been serving the Roanoke community for over 100 years and would be delighted to have you join us. Community service is what we do.

February 19 - Clark/Ellis - United Way Hub/Youth

February 26 - Cheryl Mosley - United Way Community Impact

March 5 - Julie Kinney - Roanoke Valley Association of Realtors

March 12 - KPAD Kick Off

March 19 - Shame Miles - Chick-fil-A

March 26 - Jamie Bailey - ALCOVA Mortgage



Leslie Clark         Denise Ellis

February 19

Join us Wednesday for our weekly meeting at 12:30 PM in Charter Hall on the third floor of the City Market Building to listen to United Way of Virginia's Blue Ridge officers Leslie Clark, Director of Family Health Strategies and Denise Ellis, Director of Early Learning Strategies.

Every week throughout the month of February we are featuring a speaker from our local United Way. Meeting attendees will be treated to an across-the-board look into, not only the United Way, but into the fabric of our community as well.

Leslie will talk about the Community Resource Hub and the Community Health Workers at the heart of the hub. Denise will talk about the Early Learners Collaborative, a cross-generational multi-agency approach supporting low-income children and their families.

Leslie graduated from West Virginia University with a BA in Psychology. She also holds certificates in Nonprofit Leadership and in Transformative Leadership. Denise is experienced child development professional with a Master's in Child Development and Family Relations.


You may register as a guest to attend a weekly meeting in person or attend virtually using the Zoom link below:

Meeting ID:  817 8581 5453          Passcode:  102906

Weekly Meeting Zoom Link: Click Here